A Church Without Walls
My name is Mike Neelley. As a pastor and spiritual director, A Church Without Walls, seeks to create content and spaces for people to connect with the love of God the Father, the presence of the living Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit - right here, right now, whoever you are, wherever you are.
67 episodes
Hearing and Discerning God's Voice
With the New Year, we are revisiting some teaching from almost two years ago on the importance of discernment when we are listening for God's voice. Jesus tells us that he is the good shepherd and his sheep hear his voice, and he also warns us ...
Season 3
Episode 10
Hearing God in Prayer
I am revisiting some foundational stuff for me in prayer - that hearing God's voice changes everything. Maybe your experience feels more like silence and praying to the ceiling, but I want to encourage you that there are many ways you are alrea...
Season 3
Episode 9
What IN THE WORLD is the Holy Spirit doing?
When I was in my 20s and 30s, if we talked about the Holy Spirit at all, it was regarding rumors of miracles that seemed to happen in Africa. Most of this podcast has been to help us become more aware of what the Holy Spirit is doing right here...
Season 3
Episode 8
Prayer as a Conversation of Love with Jesus
Wherever you find yourself in prayer or out of it, Jesus is always waiting for us. Be encouraged, inspired, and invited deeper into love with Jesus in prayer by my friend Deborah Meador. She will draw you in with her the passion of her lived re...
Season 3
Episode 7
Kingdom Unity and the Election
Friends, I release this podcast the day before the election, out of my regular release sequence. I bring you this sermon I preached Sunday, November 3 in Bellingham, as a word to refocus us on where our hope lies, Jesus and His Kingdom. We may ...
Season 3
Episode 6
The Need for Discernment in the Prophetic Movement
We are back with Bob Ekblad to discuss the critical need for discernment as we listen for what God is saying, and especially as we listen to voices in the North American prophetic culture who claim to be speaking for God. As we listen for God a...
Season 3
Episode 5
Hearing and Following the Holy Spirit
As a teenager, Mitchell Senti wrestled through the disconnect of what he was reading in the Bible about the Holy Spirit speaking and the fact that his church wasn't saying anything like this. His exploration took him on a journey, not just of h...
Season 3
Episode 4
Kingdom Identity
Pastor Jonathan Hanson shares his journey in the Holy Spirit and how hearing God's voice is foundational. We start with the foundation of being a beloved daughter, a beloved son. Then God speaks a specific identity word in our lives that cuts t...
Season 3
Episode 3
What is the Kingdom of God and Why is it Important?
I've been thinking a lot about the Kingdom of God lately. It was the centerpiece of Jesus' teaching and he tells us that we "must be born again if we are to see the Kingdom of God." If the Kingdom is what we are "saved" and born again for, what...
Season 3
Episode 2
There is More!
Welcome to Season 3 in our continuing journey with the Person and Work of God the Holy Spirit. After taking two months off, I want to give us a jump start with the sermon I preached for Pentecost last Spring. If you've been living a faith life ...
Season 3
Episode 1
Take My Yoke Upon You
As we enter into a season that includes rest and time off for some, how can we enter more deeply into the kind of rest we so desperately need? Jesus' invitation to "Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden" is for each of us. But what sort ...
Season 2
Episode 42
Growing Together in the Holy Spirit
If we want to grow in knowing and co-laboring with the Holy Spirit, we will do this best in community. Why? Because the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church for the Church, not simply on individuals. As long as our approach is just "me and ...
Season 2
Episode 41
Inner Healing Prayer
Today I talk with my friend, Kathy Crosby, about her journey with the Holy Spirit in receiving and co-operating in inner healing prayer. Physical healing is much of what we see in the scriptures, though I would argue that inner healing is happe...
Season 2
Episode 40
Do I Have to Speak in Tongues - One Pentecostal Perspective
I know many people who have been kept from being open to the Holy Spirit due to a particular Pentecostal doctrine/theology that said you must speak in tongues as a sign of the baptism of the Spirit. I wanted to have this conversation with...
Season 2
Episode 40
There is a God in the Room with Us
If there is a God in the room with me then that is a completely different world I'm living in than if God is talking to me from a distance on a walkie-talkie. So says my guest, Alison Millikan, as she shares her journey through some of her obst...
Season 2
Episode 39
When We Pray and Healing Doesn't Happen
As we begin to believe for more, there can be a greater experience of disappointment when the more doesn't happen in the way we want or desperately need. We continue our conversation with Andy Ekblad as he talks about the already and not ...
Season 2
Episode 38
Hungry for More
Join me with my friend, Andy Ekblad, as he shares part one of his journey of hunger for and experience of more of the Holy Spirit. Are you hungry for more of God?
Season 2
Episode 37
My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?
It's Good Friday. Of all the things Jesus cries out from the cross, the most anguished may be the cry of dereliction, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" We have been told that in this moment of terrible suffering, the Father turned his...
Season 2
Episode 36
Help, Hope, and Healing in the Holy Spirit
Meet my friend, Rebekah Cancelosi, as she shares her journey with the Holy Spirit through knowing the Holy Spirit as Helper in her 20s, as Hope in her 30s, and as Healer in her 40s. There is always more the Holy Spirit has for us and while ther...
Season 2
Episode 35
Authority to Calm the Storm 2.0
My apologies. It seems I had uploaded a not fully edited version of this episode. It has been removed from the platform but it may still exist in your downloads. Please delete it and try this one one.
Season 2
Episode 34
Loving Enemies and Christian Nationalism
Jesus call to love our enemies cuts across partisan lines and there is much that can be said about the failure to love on all sides. However, I feel the need to address a form of religious extremism happening in the church in America because it...
Season 2
Episode 33
Exploring the Prophetic with Kitsy Gregory
"The prophetic is a gift. It's not an award or a reward, or something you can earn." So says my friend, Kitsy Gregory. And like any gift, it needs to be opened and we need to learn how the Holy Spirit wants to interact with us through this gift...
Season 2
Episode 32
The Power to Bless
When we talk about walking in spiritual authority, we are talking about doing the will of our Father to bring His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. There are few verses in the gospels that spell out the challenge of what following King Jesus...
Season 2
Episode 31
Spiritual Warfare - The Battle Without
Whether we are aware of it or not, we live in a war zone. While armed conflicts between various nations are all around us, the reality is that there are only two kingdoms - the kingdom of our Lord Jesus and the kingdom of darkness - and they ar...
Season 2
Episode 30
Foundations of Spiritual Authority
In this episode I want to step back into our conversations about Holy Spirit empowerment and look at how it intersects with the humanity of Jesus and the concept of spiritual authority. I want to do this because we will explore spiritual warfar...
Season 2
Episode 29