A Church Without Walls
My name is Mike Neelley. As a pastor and spiritual director, A Church Without Walls, seeks to create content and spaces for people to connect with the love of God the Father, the presence of the living Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit - right here, right now, whoever you are, wherever you are.
A Church Without Walls
Growing Together in the Holy Spirit
If we want to grow in knowing and co-laboring with the Holy Spirit, we will do this best in community. Why? Because the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church for the Church, not simply on individuals. As long as our approach is just "me and Jesus" we will see limited fruit. So, what are some ways we can begin to grow together as we seek the ministry of the Holy Spirit? Listen and we will see.
I will be taking a short break on content development in July and August (for the first time since we launched!) and will be back with Season 3 in September. That will give you time to catch up!
*If you would like to help support this podcast, you can go to www.emmausroadnw.org/donate and give. All gifts are tax deductible. Thank you for your partnership!